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模拟合成器训练软件 Syntorial v1.6.4 PC/mac
模拟合成器训练软件 Audible Genius Syntorial |
资源大小: WIN: 720.6 MB | OSX: 657.3 MB |

Syntorial is synthesizer training software that teaches synth programming and sound design. Pairing video demonstrations with interactive challenges, Syntorial builds the user's ability to program patches by ear. The built-in synthesizer includes over 60 common synth parameters that are gradually introduced, one-by-one, to create a challenging yet enjoyable learning experience from start to finish.
Syntorial includes:
129 Interactive Challenges.
147 Videos.
706 Patches.
64 Synth Parameters.
39 Quizzes.
33 "On Your Own" tasks.
The goal of Syntorial is to enable the user to:
Stop relying on presets.
Program the sounds they hear.
Get a deep, intuitive understanding of the most common synth parameters.
Syntorial's built-in synth also comes as a VST/AU plugin, and includes:
Subtractive synthesis.
Three Oscillators (Two with Waveform, Pitch, Pulse Width, and Mix controls, and a Sub oscillator with Waveform and Volume controls).
Saw, Pulse, Triangle and Sine waveforms.
FM knob.
Noise Oscillator.
Oscillator Sync.
Filter (Low, Band and High Pass) with Resonance and Key Tracking.
ADSR Filter Envelope.
ADSR Amp Envelope.
AD Modulation Envelope.
LFO with four waveforms, seven destinations, rate, amount, trigger, and mono/poly modes.
Mono, Legato and Poly Voice Modes.
Unison with Voice, Detune and Spread controls.
Ring Modulation.
Distortion, Chorus, Phaser, Delay, and Reverb effects.
Mod Wheel, Pitch Wheel and Velocity controls.
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